Hotanvil Forge

The Shop Tour

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This is the newest shop space  and I hope the last one I have to set up.At least this one is bigger and already insulated so I can get more work done in the winter up here. I also have a few rooms so I can separate things a little. I have a room for grinding, the main forge area and a little room where I have a small work bench for finnish work

This is in a small room behind my airhammer, It has my work bench for finnish work

This is the main room
Grinder/air hammer/ treadle hammer/ forge/Hydraulic press frame

Grinding room
KMG grinder/6" disc grinder/Sears 2x42 grinder/ Another home made grinder/drillpress

Back wall of grinder room
I put up peg board around the room to hang tools and belts from

The first fire in the new shop

Main room from far right side looking back
My fab table.Solid cast iron top 2'x5' postvice on each corner/table does not move

Main room to the right of the door
Peg board and shelves/grinder belts and anvils/bandsaw/plasma torch on shelf

main room looking at my air hammer
Treadle hammer/Post drill will lock into socket on work table/airhammer/grinder

Just another view of the main room
I have 2 anvils set up and can do 3 for teaching